Posted in News
28. Dezember 2015

Fotoprojekt: A Series of Questions

Aufruf zum Mitmachen an einem Fotoprojekt von L. Weingarten welcher voraussichtlich vom  03. bis 07  Januar in Zürich sein wird.

Im Foto Projekt geht es nicht nur darum Transmenschen sichtbar zu machen sondern auch die Machtdynamik der Fragen mit welchen die Betroffenen konfrontiert werden im Bild mit zu integrieren.

Wer interessiert ist sich bei diesem Projekt zu beteiligen soll an unten angegebenen E-Mail Adresse melden.

Mehr Infos zum Fotoprojek findet ihr hier auf der Webseite



My name is LW; I am a photographer from the United States. Currently I am traveling through Europe until the end of January, photographing for „A Series of Questions,“ a project about the questions transgender, transsexual, genderqueer, and gender non-conforming people are asked.

See select images here: http://www.lweingarten.com

I am writing to see if any of your members or staff are interested in participating– I am happy to hear from anyone interested in participating, regardless of location. Please email me at mailto:questionphotoproject (at) gmail.com.
I only speak English, but people are welcome to contact me in other languages if they do not know English. I can use Google Translate and my assistants to help with translation.

All participants have to sign a photo release form to participate and on the form they can indicate what, if any, information I am permitted to share in connection with their image, such as their first name or where the photo was taken. If they don’t want any information connected to their image that is completely fine. The safety and privacy of the people I photograph is always my highest priority.

If anyone has any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me directly. Please feel free to share this information with other organizations who might be interested. Thank you for taking the time to read my email!

Mr. L. Weingarten („LW“)

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